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Smart Solar Tracker – Upgrade – Anemometer choice

Smart Solar Tracker – Upgrade – Anemometer choice

New upgrade to electronics and software. 2 anemometers models supported : pulse reed switch version or voltage version.

I needed a quicker response to wind, because with reed version we are unable to take instant measures of wind (Counting pulses during a defined time to calculate the wind)

So a better option was to use an anemometer delivering a wind proportional output voltage for instant reading.

Anemometer : Get it now !

For the model i used, wind speed was calculated using this formula :

wind_speed_m/s = voltage * 14

win_speed_km/h = voltage * 14 * 3.6

Here is the full wiring diagram :

Image en résolution haute :

As output voltage can reach 4.0 v for the anemomter, and ESP only supports 3.3V input on AD0, i had to make an electronic voltage divider using 220 Ohms and 1KOhms resistors to convert voltage to an acceptable range of values.

Then i had to program the ESP to add the anemometer choice :

Next step will be maybe adding external diy anemometer support. Avatar
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Aurélien Bordinat

I am a french computer engineer, adept of DIY, home automation and new technologies. When i’m not busy trail running, i spend some time prototyping.